Sunrise at the Gym

When I head out to the gym in the morning, the sky is still dark, the stars fighting for the last word with the approaching dawn.
I don’t really like to exercise, but I like the feeling of having worked out. So I crawl out of bed, swap PJs for yoga pants and a sweatshirt, then drive half-awake to my small group training session, thankfully only 10 minutes away.

When I’m running late, I can usually find a corner of the large, functional space among all the other women focused on their fitness.

But I have a secret motivation for showing up early.

I get to claim my favorite spot at the end of the corridor across from the gym’s east-facing front window. As we warm up and stretch, I watch shades of deep indigo and gray gradually surrender to a spectacular light show, a slow explosion of shimmering crimson and gold. The powerful beauty infuses my cardio with energy, my muscles with strength, my spirit with delight. Fiery brilliance of sunrise subsides, breathless, into gentle pastels…lavender, pink, coral. As we finish our workout, the sky settles on a hue barely blue, silhouetting the trees and street signs outside.

Sure, working out is drudgery. But for those few moments, my sweat was sanctified by extravagant, fleeting glory. I tuck away the memory of my early morning gift along with water bottle and towel, then step into the day with a hallelujah smile.


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